Saturday, November 12, 2011

The journey

There's a saying that it's not the destination but the journey that is valuable. I can say that this rings true for many things and experiences in my life. I am actually great full for many of the 'mistakes' I've made in my life. I try not to have any regrets, inevitably I do- but I honestly try to hope there's a lesson or reason for things to happen.

Anyway, my current literal journey is trying to get to Maui to visit with my sister and niece who I have not seen in over a year. I didn't really know how badly I wanted to see them until it was frustratingly difficult to get myself on a flight yesterday to get there, it's a long journey.... Generally
15 hours door-to-door. But as I'm sitting here with less than an hour to go before landing in Maui I can, in this instance, that this journey is worth it.
I always forget how much I love being home until I actually get there..... Mostly I consider it a pain in the butt, I try to push it out of my mind, maybe to ease the pain of being 5,000 miles from my friends, family and home. To be continued....

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