Sunday, January 6, 2013

taxing taxi

So this week has been an exciting week for us. Baby is 6 weeks old this week, which means we got to go to my postpartum check-up this week. YIPPEE
I've been looking forward to this check-up for weeks (not the same as my boyfriends reasons are though...) the reason being I WANT TO START WORKING OUT AGAIN. I'm tired of being stagnant (although I've been cheating and going to hot yoga for a couple weeks yeeeeeee). So I joined the Planet Fitness near my house, and well still haven't actually gone, but happy that I can if I 'want' to.

However, as the appointment date inched closer I started getting anxiety over how me, my baby and her car seat were going to get to this appointment (oh the unique complications of NYC living). How do I hail a cab with her??!!! Put her in the cab while folding up the annoying (expensive) Bugaboo stroller part and put it in the trunk..... still not really even knowing how to fold this contraption???!!! Do I hail the cab and put her down (in her car seat) on the sidewalk while folding contraption??!! Both options seemed outrageous and caused me a little loss of sleep....

I mean I COULD put her in her carrier-backpack-front-thing and go on the subway but then where would she hang out after we got there and I was being examined??? What the hell??

Another thing is I knew my OB/GYN wanted me to bring her and wanted to see not bringing her wasn't really an option.

So really I need to learn the whole cab/baby thing anyway. This is going to be a constant thing... me, her, in a cab....

In the end I paid double and called a car service (there's an app for that!) to get guaranteed door to door service and knowing the guy will help me and not drive away with my baby in the car was worth the extra $$$$$

I do consider this a win for NYC though, until I can get this down it will disable me with anxiety every time I have to go somewhere (far).

I have a few other exciting things we are starting this week.... a mommy/baby meetup/group and a Bring Your Baby to the movies theater outing..... I'll write about that later!! I'm gonna try to sleep since Baby is currently sleeping!

1 comment:

  1. Good, I think getting out of the house is really good.
    Car service?! Fancy :)
